Good morning Life – What a lovely day

I am grateful to be alive. I am blessed with the day. Thank you God. I am so happy and joyful that I am breathing, enjoying, thinking and loving life. Many of us take the day for granted. Sometimes when I am asleep, I look forward for the new day. In process, I stay healthy by exercising, meditating at the gyms jacuzzi, quietness in the dry sauna, and steam room. I do not take the day for granted. Sometimes when I’m driving on the streets or the highways, I am safe and reach my home and destination with zest. We do not have to analyze how divine spirit keeps us alive. It’s Gods miracle and Gods plan we are alive.

Just recently a lady named Michelle passed away from cancer. It was a sad day. She had a husband and 3 children. I got to meet her on internet network. She was very encouraging and positive. My wife also knew her, and she met Michelle face to face in Oakland, California few months ago. We do not know when we will leave this physical earthly life. It’s Gods plan that we are alive. As long as we have this miracle life, and this miracle day, we must give thanks and gratitude to God, through prayer or self acknowledgement and awareness. Our state of mind is very important. We are blessed with the free will and decisions and choices to make in our daily life. We are here for a purpose. We are here to love one another and see God in each person we encounter.

Next time when you encounter any person, can be your loved ones, friends or even strangers, see them with God’s presence with them. See God in them. See God’s love in them. We have these joyful days, and we must fulfill Gods plan on earth. Practice seeing them through their eyes. You see their soul through their eyes. We are blessed to have another day. Each day is a blessed day, and God wants to fulfill his mission or plan for us. All the challenges we encounter in our day-to-day life, we must pray and bless the day to fulfill happiness, peace, harmony and love on this earth.


Rev. Ernie Martin, The Reverend of Love, Las Vegas, Nevada