Don’t be afraid to say “Yes”

There are some people when asked to volunteer and help, they would say “yes”. It’s interesting many are waiting to be asked. Even though their inner spirit tells them to say “yes”, they are seeking some of authoritative power to guide them. It’s the awareness and accepting others as to who they are, will help saying “yes”. The inner directed spirit, which is God communicating, is saying yes, but, the approval outward mechanism ego is not sure. There is some divide there. It must be in alignment between the heart and the minds rationality. Many in the faith devote world, do pray and ask God, whether to accept a job or go into a business for a living. it does help to seek inner counsel.

I recall when I was recruiting volunteers for a non-profit organization, the prospects needed to be called and were waiting in the wings to tell them what to do to help others. There is some element of defensiveness or waiting for some higher fast-moving individual to move the people who are sitting on theĀ  fence. Even I recall accepting a job working for others in my early career in project financial analyst with Fortune 500 aerospace companies had to go “deep” in myself to say “Yes”. Some of it not being sure or not trusting enough to accept the job offer. I was concerned if the job paid very well or how long its gonna last, taking into consideration the economic downturns.

In the society of “making money” and “paying the bills” on a regular basis, somehow, it becomes the reality and many do retire in their mid sixties with that type of circumstances. I recall stepping forward to resign a job and going to a new job offer, have partially made me think, whether I should let go of the “security” from the current job with associates around me, familiar to them for few years. But, saying “yes” with a gusto and with positiveness and enthusiasm propelled me to move forward accepting the new job offer.


Rev. Ernie Martin, The Reverend of Love, Las Vegas, NV